People with the Last Name Batting
Robert Batting (732) 212-1660, (720) 458-0034
Charles Battis (609) 584-0997, (609) 245-8428
David Battis (518) 692-7624, (703) 567-0494
Mary Battis (978) 634-1122, (952) 707-8679
Robert Battis (561) 373-4542, (978) 524-0065
William Battis (209) 658-3614, (863) 452-2710
William Battison (401) 935-6511, (818) 952-9032
Joseph Battist (724) 744-7656, (412) 931-4799
Amanda Battista (734) 432-9150, (315) 767-6488
Amy Battista (908) 754-4501, (908) 400-7755
Ann Battista (781) 775-4508, (203) 743-6809
Antonio Battista (802) 885-9784, (630) 400-8584
Benjamin Battista (732) 560-5612, (401) 949-0528
Beth Battista (269) 429-6503, (973) 835-9211
Beverly Battista (845) 878-6003, (570) 373-3457
Bob Battista (507) 281-4891, (954) 458-7498
Cathy Battista (410) 212-5305, (212) 838-3460
Charles Battista (321) 779-5233, (724) 443-7228
Chris Battista (215) 945-3145, (317) 852-2993
Concetta Battista (914) 769-7216, (315) 788-3856
Cynthia Battista (312) 255-8878, (720) 530-0458
Dana Battista (239) 728-2466, (973) 822-1213
Dawn Battista (410) 757-5164, (443) 949-0603
Debbie Battista (203) 287-7550, (513) 899-4225
Dominick Battista (941) 966-5418, (941) 926-7464
Dorothy Battista (781) 648-4188, (732) 564-9914
Ed Battista (856) 232-8688, (317) 924-3123
Edward Battista (412) 859-3197, (973) 764-4416
Elaine Battista (401) 228-8942, (330) 261-8008
Eleanor Battista (484) 454-5142, (610) 284-5864
Elizabeth Battista (973) 748-4539, (917) 603-1370
Francesco Battista (773) 870-3465, (818) 567-6545
Francis Battista (203) 878-4992
Gina Battista (770) 925-0276, (773) 237-8818
Guy Battista (303) 683-7720, (847) 703-0552
Helen Battista (914) 962-1674, (412) 859-3197
Jamie Battista (631) 589-3634, (631) 334-9369
Jane Battista (818) 567-6545, (732) 775-0872
Janice Battista (412) 531-3262, (570) 207-7053
Jeff Battista (908) 887-4991, (404) 254-9148
Jerry Battista (206) 313-7779, (216) 789-7517
Joan Battista (732) 996-4769, (212) 683-0228
Joanne Battista (956) 428-7682, (302) 381-9786
Jose Battista (732) 928-5108, (718) 424-7230
Juan Battista
Judith Battista (843) 748-0491, (845) 254-4758
June Battista (203) 934-0260, (610) 948-8185
Karen Battista (303) 828-4703, (407) 886-3486
Katherine Battista (646) 319-7999, (410) 925-2747
Kathryn Battista (610) 755-1953, (484) 802-5574
Kevin Battista (860) 745-5516, (804) 337-6014
Lawrence Battista (352) 637-5173, (386) 497-4046
Madeline Battista (303) 619-4787, (203) 239-2061
Maggie Battista (617) 267-5019
Marian Battista (734) 449-8191, (570) 473-3015
Marie Battista (973) 746-0628, (718) 236-6695
Mario Battista (516) 731-2810, (917) 660-9485
Martha Battista
Mary Battista (386) 676-9320, (708) 456-1545
Megan Battista (610) 355-7679, (716) 725-8508
Patrick Battista (716) 440-1275, (585) 458-8424
Phillip Battista (412) 488-3189, (201) 214-6285
Ralph Battista (401) 942-9695, (724) 746-1973
Raymond Battista (910) 527-4328, (919) 661-1755
Rebecca Battista (570) 654-6751, (302) 492-3309
Rita Battista (614) 445-0334, (919) 217-6163
Rocco Battista (607) 343-6355, (708) 457-1773
Rose Battista (301) 320-0101, (718) 843-7822
Rosemary Battista (570) 347-2069, (315) 343-3142
Ruth Battista (845) 564-8286, (856) 547-9245
Ryan Battista (513) 875-2045, (215) 945-9679
Sam Battista (954) 524-5236, (708) 452-4159
Steven Battista (304) 724-6877, (978) 486-0651
Sue Battista (813) 962-8701, (973) 759-7856
Susan Battista (941) 926-7464, (516) 578-3101
Suzanne Battista (410) 836-9366, (951) 445-6363
Tammy Battista (804) 746-5415, (804) 337-6014
Theresa Battista (973) 226-6804, (856) 931-8749
Tina Battista (718) 331-0024, (434) 645-7890
Tom Battista (630) 860-8990, (240) 669-6817
Valerie Battista (781) 439-3224, (631) 671-3657
Virginia Battista (773) 237-8818, (773) 622-3023
William Battista (212) 473-1934, (330) 757-1038
Alvin Battiste (202) 569-4172, (310) 763-8884
Denise Battiste (315) 622-4059, (973) 374-1644
Elizabeth Battiste (504) 942-5612, (985) 748-4121
Frank Battiste (619) 267-3237, (619) 267-3314
Kenneth Battiste (225) 687-3069, (281) 752-5633
Linda Battiste (518) 399-9621, (732) 218-5745
Louis Battiste (239) 275-7964, (954) 457-9211
Mary Battiste (914) 376-9407, (251) 343-9283
Michelle Battiste (310) 830-2587, (508) 251-2316
Mike Battiste (770) 434-7019, (484) 469-4884
Patricia Battiste (415) 760-5225, (850) 651-2348
Paul Battiste (518) 982-0052, (425) 658-7857
Richard Battiste (719) 543-1589, (719) 543-1190
Ruth Battiste (908) 687-2428, (251) 471-5822
Steven Battiste (718) 538-7944, (225) 638-5147
Thomas Battiste (860) 361-9652, (203) 720-1307
John Battistelli (318) 442-0336, (318) 767-0618
Joseph Battistelli (313) 574-3469, (901) 382-6228
Mary Battistelli (203) 261-2253, (740) 676-5817
Angela Battisti (937) 313-3233, (419) 756-4056
Anthony Battisti (315) 866-7013, (814) 942-1066
Brian Battisti (607) 754-4304, (352) 433-5148
Daniel Battisti (619) 501-7862, (206) 227-7764
James Battisti (619) 469-2908, (864) 266-7493
Jennifer Battisti (716) 662-3061, (801) 645-5694
John Battisti (814) 941-5641, (801) 399-4504
Joseph Battisti (607) 732-2755, (810) 721-7163
William Battisti (412) 378-8397, (724) 331-5962
Francisco Battistini (915) 307-2290, (415) 682-4794
John Battistini (904) 547-2036, (610) 888-4117
Maria Battistini (281) 704-5939, (864) 433-8662
Joseph Battisto (239) 573-4422, (610) 761-5061
Thomas Battisto (941) 492-4058, (352) 750-9638
Mary Battistone (386) 214-2959, (301) 288-7897
Michelle Battistone (954) 557-1878, (954) 530-3284
David Battistoni (708) 597-3785, (602) 703-5999
Mary Battistoni (610) 789-0660, (281) 534-4705
Mohammed Battla (407) 876-3970, (407) 876-8971
Ada Battle (310) 819-9318, (973) 763-1758
Agnes Battle (813) 615-2435, (813) 866-1815
Al Battle (908) 305-3452, (706) 782-6538
Alan Battle (972) 412-7974, (713) 842-6204
Alberta Battle (252) 937-4457, (615) 868-3335
Alicia Battle (973) 705-3628, (973) 744-1195
Alisha Battle (803) 238-7374, (919) 696-3368
Allison Battle (423) 676-7212, (817) 937-1658
Alma Battle (252) 446-3994, (757) 456-9946
Alonzo Battle (408) 401-0100, (254) 554-8536
Althea Battle (202) 832-7010, (508) 734-6944
Amber Battle (734) 369-3606, (505) 922-1233
Amelia Battle (215) 463-8679, (781) 592-7014
Andrea Battle (215) 545-7460, (256) 245-7522
Andy Battle (209) 392-4112, (231) 457-4521
Angel Battle (804) 562-7288, (314) 438-1338
Angelia Battle (405) 737-2966, (334) 297-0881
Angelina Battle (617) 441-2102, (617) 661-0738
Angelo Battle (804) 231-1964, (602) 230-1085
Anita Battle (510) 337-9071, (210) 623-7903
Ann Battle (727) 447-8644, (713) 850-7146
Anna Battle (570) 876-2382, (228) 365-1630
Antionette Battle (202) 249-0247, (202) 584-0083
Antoinette Battle (404) 524-6960, (240) 755-3266
Antonia Battle (717) 270-6153, (630) 200-8756
Antwan Battle (386) 233-3801, (803) 708-8124
Arlene Battle (323) 220-7451, (718) 342-1596
Asia Battle (716) 856-1949, (252) 367-8277
Beatrice Battle (252) 446-2993, (757) 331-2410
Becky Battle (912) 399-6632, (423) 339-5804
Belinda Battle (443) 975-7363, (301) 429-2730
Ben Battle (661) 476-2487, (256) 539-6479
Bernice Battle (318) 688-7004, (574) 904-0075
Bertha Battle (252) 442-6896, (919) 330-5605
Bettie Battle (254) 235-3719, (941) 306-5760
Bettye Battle (325) 365-9056, (912) 496-7627
Bianca Battle (513) 752-4936, (770) 598-8834
Bob Battle (325) 282-2108, (325) 247-4889
Bobbie Battle (662) 887-1152, (251) 378-5468
Bonita Battle (252) 210-2600, (234) 281-5106
Bonnie Battle (256) 395-2232, (310) 671-7888
Brandi Battle (202) 562-5780, (312) 465-3183
Briana Battle (202) 373-0810, (727) 656-2243
Byron Battle (336) 279-1001, (727) 321-6425
Candace Battle (313) 718-9794, (443) 204-3600
Carlos Battle (414) 449-9455, (770) 401-6535
Carlton Battle (252) 985-3550, (252) 433-8566
Casandra Battle (908) 755-5267, (919) 496-2710
Celeste Battle (813) 236-9218, (954) 482-0359
Chad Battle (404) 753-5455, (917) 402-0223
Chanel Battle (815) 200-2238, (615) 525-0357
Charlene Battle (202) 373-1456, (216) 812-4313
Charlie Battle (478) 743-4524, (734) 929-4664
Cheryl Battle (252) 937-1720, (301) 893-1970
Christin Battle (313) 730-2143, (973) 746-5436
Christoph Battle (478) 785-2373, (718) 735-4539
Christophe Battle (205) 218-3513, (618) 398-1249
Christy Battle (662) 222-2389, (407) 240-6617
Cierra Battle (504) 309-3593, (504) 782-9495
Cindy Battle (708) 476-9900, (405) 424-1881
Clara Battle (252) 446-2748, (757) 562-5284
Clarence Battle (718) 677-7558, (267) 323-2331
Cleo Battle (252) 937-9877, (804) 518-4630
Cora Battle (256) 430-0111, (718) 574-8446
Corrine Battle (863) 607-4937, (770) 944-9086
Creek Battle (651) 702-6770, (573) 642-7246
Damon Battle (718) 445-5014, (216) 326-0166
Daniel Battle (252) 355-7759, (256) 830-5309
Daphne Battle (803) 422-9738, (718) 994-9254
Darnell Battle (252) 467-8597, (770) 761-2025
Darrell Battle (313) 835-3280, (770) 748-6159
Darren Battle (718) 723-7380, (917) 692-0070
Darryl Battle (901) 388-4209, (609) 672-6130
Daryl Battle (616) 523-9092, (646) 606-7766
Dave Battle (973) 677-1038, (256) 883-7408
Deanna Battle (714) 290-4352, (716) 842-1692
Debbie Battle (806) 537-3202, (432) 267-7150
Dee Battle (252) 459-1904, (513) 825-1045
Delois Battle (252) 578-5868, (252) 446-5855